It seems to me that people forget that now. When people hear an opinion, they see it as an affront as to why that is not aligned with their opinion. Steam starts building, faces get red, fists start clenching, their butts start constricting hard. Consequently, the person expressing their opinion is a total idiot in their viewpoint. This strangeness is now prevalent on every level of discussion – political to religion to the right beer to drink or which Premiere league team truly is the best.
Maybe if it wasn’t too hard for people – it might be good to have people respect a differing opinion. If you don’t want to consider it, that’s your prerogative. But give the other guys some space to voice theirs. But if your mind is more open and truly available to objectively think about things and have a good healthy discussion, maybe it might even change some of your deeply seated opinions. Or maybe not. Growth is a good thing…right? Huh, why is your face turning red?
I think you are on to something …. and in the right place for that. Looking forward to your next blog entry.
Thanks I appreciate it! I liked your photos and prose as well!