In one of our weekly meetings with my boss, I told him I was not too happy with some of the decisions being made by the higher ups. There was one particular action I didn’t like because it felt an upfront to people and treated others with much disrespect – in my humble opinion. I was definitely feeling disrespected because I felt with all my years in the company should I be treated that way?
My boss looked at me and said that loyalty is not something that has value nowadays. It has no bearing, it gets you nothing from the, or a, company. In the 80s, there was value to loyalty. He even said that’s why there were pensions then.
Make no mistake I like my boss, but his comment, albeit direct, was sad to hear. Because I valued loyalty as old fashion as it appears to be now.
Is there truly no value to it? Is it true even for ethics in business? It seems like we’re losing a lot as the wheel turns. Am I just too old for the world I’m living in now? Or has the world gone callous because everyone is seen as just a cog in the machine?